Monday, September 17, 2012

Jasper's AUP

I reviewed the Jasper City School's AUP.  Please see the link below to read the policy for yourself.

Before this assignment I was not even aware that there was such a thing as an AUP.  I think that this policy is great to have in place for the students and the teachers.  While at school, technology should be used for educational purposes, not for personal use.  The technology coordinator is able to make sure that any inappropriate website and websites that are not for educational use are blocked. 

Teachers need to be mindful that students can be manipulative.  Some students know how to work their way passed blocked websites.  It is the teachers responsibility to monitor the students closely, and make sure they are using the technology correctly. 

One point that this AUP points out is that "the Internet is a privilege granted to the students in order to promote their educational development."  Some students do not treat using the Internet as a privilege because they are so accustomed to using the Internet.  Some students feel that it is their "right" to use it.  Teachers need to make sure and set boundaries and time limits for projects that are to be done on the computer at school.

One issue that I have with the Jasper City School system is that they have recently began allowing students to use cell phones and other electronic devices while in school.  Students are allowed to text, talk, and surf the Internet from their personal cell phones while at lunch, in the hallways, and in some teachers'  classes. I do not think this is a good thing.  People in general are so caught up with cell phones in their daily lives.  What kind of example are we as educators setting by allowing cell phones to be used in school.  I feel as though we are saying, "Oh, go ahead and anwer that text, your education is not as important!"  I understand that there are some needs to have a phone at school such as if a parent is late picking a student up from school, or if a practice gets canceled.  But students have no need to carry a cell phone around in class all day.